Cultures of Belonging
In high trust cultures, the dignity, integrity, and humanity of each person is valued. Performance excellence, equity, and trust are interdependent, co-creative forces—one is not possible without the other.
Five Bedrock Values
Our Proprietary Model
To build a culture of belonging, we coach you and your leadership team to connect your organization’s distinct vision, mission, and identity (including your company’s core values) to five bedrock values. Over the last two decades we have built a proprietary process for establishing safety, respect, inclusion, belonging, and trust in the workplace.
To build a high trust, high performance culture, a rigorous and inclusive recruiting, hiring, and onboarding process is crucial. We work closely with your HR team to tune and align all recruitment, hiring, onboarding, training, assessment, promotion, and compensation practices, policies, and procedures to your culture playbook.
Inclusion + Belonging
A Critical Performance Advantage
Teams and organizations are driven by culture which is the bedrock of performance excellence. Cultures marked by belonging and inclusion produce healthy, high functioning, individuated, and socially responsible citizens. Those fortunate enough to live and work in values-driven cultures know how to participate skillfully with people they are not leading and among people they did not choose. In other words, they know how to be effective, contributing members of a group or team. By becoming engaged citizens, people discover how to belong, how to make meaningful contributions, how to work well with others, how to initiate and deliver effective change, and how to be part of something larger than themselves. In cultures marked by belonging and inclusion, leaders are cultivated from among their community’s best citizens.