We are the trusted champions, advocates, and challengers you’ve been looking for. We coach you to develop the skills and capacities you need to cultivate higher trust and higher performance leadership behaviors.
360 Feedback
Executive Leadership Talent Development
Business processes, models, and technologies evolve at warp speed. Leaders need trusted and effective ways to keep pace. Additionally, once at the top, leaders rarely get the wise, direct, and strategic feedback they need to keep growing and evolving in order to reach their professional and personal goals. The 360 coaching process is designed to do just that. We conduct interviews of a select group of colleagues. The leader receives a synthesized and comprehensive, 60+ page executive leadership report that contains clear, accurate, digestible, and actionable feedback. The 360 executive leadership report identifies areas of immediate, high-value impact which serves as a true north for the executive coaching sessions going forward. The ultimate goal is to coach leaders to leverage their talents, mitigate their weaknesses, enhance their decision-making, refine their teamwork skills, and help them feel inspired to lead more effectively.
Data You Trust and Respect
Verbatim 360 Degree Feedback
The 360 feedback process is a means of professional development based on receiving feedback from multiple trusted and respected sources. We interview a dozen or more colleagues to provide perspectives about their experience of your character, problem solving skills, team building acumen, conflict resolution abilities, and leadership. The process relies on multi-rater feedback or multi-rate assessment because of its premise that feedback is maximally beneficial when derived from a variety of perspectives. We also ask you to complete a self-assessment, which we then compare to your respondents’ observations. This process yields a well-rounded view of your character, behavior, and performance from both your perspective and the perspectives of key colleagues. We coach you to realize your goals to achieve a lasting, purpose-driven legacy.